Human Intelligence on the shores of Vestigiality


Intelligence, Vestigiality, AI, Schools,chatbot, algorithms

British School Employs AI Robot As Principal Headteacher For Enhanced Decision-Making

In infamous’ Tree of Knowledge’ that occupies centrality in scriptures is turning out to make its debut in changing the phase of humanity and education.

If your giving AI the status of a human being then why not give it citizenship and more. Can the AI be used in a court? It can’t. Can the AI make a claim before Law? How do attributes the privileges of a head teacher to an ‘Artifical’ extension of the Natural Human Intelligence.

Or is it just another tactics of a seal proofing mechanism adopted by spurious organisations to play safe in their crafty nuances?

Adopting AI in Education will for sure lead to its own abomination with the largest Intellectual community.

Use your Head

The Head master refused to use his head.

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  1. Human Intelligence on the shores of Vestigiality – Kalaga Concept Avatar

    […] Human Intelligence on the shores of Vestigiality […]


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